You Can Trust Our Experienced Problem-Solvers
Frequent speaker on aging issues and planning options (health care surrogates, living wills, guardianship, incapacity issues, abuse and exploitation awareness and prevention, and planning for long term care needs).
Created and implemented Advance Directive Interactive Clinic - 2004
March 2004 - Multiple Sclerosis Society, Tallahassee, Florida
Created, presented and provided advice via Interactive Advance Directive Clinic to multiple sclerosis sufferers
July 2004 - Westminster Retirement Community, Tallahassee, Florida
Presentation to the Red Hat Society members (women)
Topic: Prepare and Beware: A Woman's Guide to Legal Control
Sept. 2004 - Alterra Sterling House Assisted Living, Tallahassee, Florida
Presentation to professionals
Topic: Advance Directives Issues for the Professional
Aug. 2004 - Multiple Sclerosis Society
Teleconferences for persons with Multiple Sclerosis, one in each month
Topics: Advance Directives, Living Wills, Durable
Oct. 2004 - Powers of Attorney, Guardianship, Exploitation and Abuse
Oct. 2004 - Alterra Clare Bridge Assisted Living, Tallahassee, Florida
Small group discussion with family caregivers of Alzheimer-type dementia loved ones
Topic: Dispelling Myths and Mysteries about Advance Directives and Powers of Attorney
April 2005 - Senior Center, Madison, Florida (rural community)
Presentation to caregivers of Alzheimer-type dementia loved ones
Topic: Planning Options, and Understanding Advanced Directives and Similar Planning Documents
May 2005 - National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
San Francisco, CA (Annual Symposium)
Fundamentals Day for new elder law attorneys
Topic: Litigation Issues Involving Elderly and Disabled Persons
Jan. 2005 - Capital Coalition, Tallahassee, Florida
Presentation to coalition of professionals in North Florida region involved in the needs of the aging and disabled
Topic: Advance Directives: A Guide for Surrogate Decision Makers
Jan. 2006 - Tallahassee Memorial Hospital & Capital Regional Medical Center, Tallahassee, FL
Panelist for community ethics and end of life discussions
April 2006 - HealthSouth Rehabilitation, Tallahassee, Florida
Clinic with breakout sessions for variety of health care professionals
Topic: Self Determination and the Client's Legal Documents: Who's in Charge
April 2006 - Developmental Disabilities Council, District 2, Tallahassee, Florida
Discussion with Developmental Disabilities leaders
Topic: Advance Directives and Guardianship Issues for persons with
Developmental Disabilities
May 2006 - National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Washington, D.C. (Annual Symposium)
Panelist: Policy Advocacy Panel
Topic: State Advocacy Models
May 2006 - National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Washington, D.C. (Annual Symposium)
Participant in Mock Trial Presentation
Topic: Guardianship Capacity question
May 2006 - Broadview Assisted Living, Tallahassee, Florida
Presentation to family caregivers of elder persons with Dementia
Topic: Advance Directives, Durable Powers of Attorney, and Guardianship
Aug. 2006 - Educational Services, Inc.
Presentation to professionals in the aging arena
Topic: Medicaid (I presented on the basics of Medicaid and its structure)
Jan. 2007 - Wise Choices Guardianship Training Workshop
Two-day event (Day one for professionals; Day two for families)
Topic: Guardianship, Developmental Disabilities Guardianship, and
Guardianship Alternatives
Feb. 2007 - Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)
Presentation to professionals and families involved with persons with Autism and related disorders
Topic: Guardianship and alternatives to guardianship
Feb. 2007 - Sun Trust Bank, N.A.
Presentation to Sun Trust clients and invitees
Topic: Elder law, generally, and guardianship and alternatives to guardianship.
March 2007 - National Multiple Sclerosis Society B Blueprint of M.S. Conference
Presentation to persons and families with Multiple Sclerosis
Topic: Guardianship and guardianship alternatives; disability law and rights; special needs trust and estate planning.
April 2007 - Alterra Sterling House
Discussion with health care professionals and families
Topic: Guardianships, advance directives and estate planning.
May 2007 - Sunset Rotary Club, Presentation to Rotarians and guests
Topic: Elder Law, generally, in celebration of National Elder Law Month
June 2007 - Downtown Rotary Club
Presentation to Rotarians and guests
Topic: Elder Law, generally, in celebration of National Elder Law Month, and discussion with audience participation about elder exploitation and litigation issues
Sept. 2007 - Annual Alzheimer's Caregiver Retreat
Panelist with law enforcement and banking representatives to audience of caregivers of older or disabled persons
Topic: Exploitation and undue influence issues awareness and preparedness
Dec. 2007 - AFELA UnProgram
Topic: Client Capacity and Guardianship
Jan. 2008 - Elder Review Certification Course
Presentation to Florida elder law attorneys seeking board certification
Topic: Housing Options for Seniors
March 2008 - HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, Tallahassee, Florida
Presentation to patients and staff
Topic: Advance Directives for health care and end of life decisions
April 2008 - Department of Elder Affairs, Tallahassee, Florida
Presentation to in-home care providers for the elderly & disabled
Topic: Understanding and avoiding exploitation abuse
April 2008 - HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, Tallahassee, Florida
Panelist guiding health care professionals and community members
Topic: End of life decision-making, advance directives and surrogate authorities
April 2008 - Department of Elder Affairs, Marianna, Florida
Presentation to in-home care providers for the elderly & disabled
Topic: Understanding and avoiding exploitation and abuse
Oct. 2008 - National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Drafter of guide and presenter on expert panel to national association
Topic: Emergency Guardianships, their uses and abuses
Jan. 2009 - Florida Bar Elder Law Section
Elder Law Certification Review Course
Topic: Housing Options for Seniors
Feb. 2009 - Florida State University College of Law
Elder Law course
Topic: Housing Options for Seniors
Oct. 2009 - Florida State University College of Law
Co-Presenter with Twyla Sketchley, B.C.S.
Elder Law course
Topic: Abuse and Exploitation
Jan. 2010 - Florida Bar Elder Law Section
Elder Law Certification Review Course
Topic: Housing Options for Seniors
April & Florida Department of Elder Affairs/Area Agency on Aging
May 2010 - Training to in-home care providers and case managers
Topic: Elder abuse education and prevention
May 2010 - Southside Rotary Club
Topic: Elder abuse and exploitation awareness and prevention
Oct. 2010 - Florida State University College of Law
Health Law Society
Topic: Health Law and Elder Law, a panel presentation
Oct. 2010 - Florida State University College of Law
Co-Presenter with Twyla Sketchley, B.C.S.
Elder Law Course
Topic: Real stories from the guardianship front
Jan. 2011 - Florida Bar Elder Law Certification Review Course, Orlando, FL
Topic: Housing Options for the Elderly Client
Jan. 2011 - Florida State University College of Medicine, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Elder Rights and End of Life: Medicolegal ethics (Panelist)
Jan. 2011 - HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, Tallahassee, FL
Training and education regarding the incapacity and guardianship process for incapacity evaluators.
Topic: Guardianship: The Legal Aspect (Moderator and panelist)
Jan. 2012 - Florida Bar Elder Law Certification Review Course, Orlando, FL
Topic: Guardianship and Incapacity
Feb. 2012 - Clare Bridge of Tallahassee (Assisted Living), Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Advance Directives - education and discussion
April 2012 - Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Elder Law from a Practitioner's Perspective (with colleague Twyla Sketchley, Esq.)
April 2012 - National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Tallahassee Chapter, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Advance Directives, Durable Powers of Attorney, Estate Planning, Veteran's Benefits, and Special Needs Planning
Nov. 2012 - Legal Services of North Florida, Inc. Continuing Education Course, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Florida Guardianships - Incapacitated Adults and Minor Children
Jan. 2013 - Florida Bar Annual Certification Review Course and Update, Orlando, FL
Topic: Guardianship Case Law Update and Analysis
Feb. 2013 - 28th Annual Alzheimer's Disease and Education Training Conference, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: "Legal Issues Impacting the Person Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and The Family"
April 2013 - Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute's "Teaming Up Against Elder Financial Exploitation", Altamonte Springs, FL
Topics: 1) "The Civil Exploitation Case, Start to Finish" (with colleagues Shannon Miller, Gainesville, David Pilcher, Orlando, and Dean LeBoeuf, Tallahassee). 2) Protections for the Principal Under the Florida Power of Attorney Act (using materials supplied by Angela Adams, with permission)
May 2013 - Adult Protective Services Annual Symposium, Orlando, FL
Topic: Ageism, Vulnerabilities, and the Civil Exploitation Case
May & June 2013 - Legal Services of North Florida, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: May - Educate local low to middle income seniors on advance directives and powers of attorney at their place of residence (congregate housing)
June - Meet one-on-one with May attendees to assist them on a pro bono basis to discuss and sign advance directives and/or powers of attorney.
June 2013 - National Association of Social Workers and the Florida State University College of Social Work, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: "The Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis - Planning Options and Potential Legal Issues"
Aug. 2013 - Big Bend Hospice Community Education Panel, Tallahassee, FL (at Lincoln Center)
Topic: Health and legal resources in the community, a panel discussion with Q&A
Nov. 2013 - Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Role-play scenarios regarding various elder law issues, and role-play scenario re: effect of U.S. v. Windsor (DOMA) decision and effect on elder law clients (with colleague Twyla Sketchley, Esq.)
Jan. 2014 - Elder Law Annual Update and Review, Orlando, FL
Topic: Elder Abuse and Exploitation - Criminal and Civil Remedies and You as the Front Line
Mar. 2014 - Wakulla County Caregiver Retreat, Wakulla Springs, FL
Topic: Essential Legal Issues for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia
Jan. 2015 - Caregiver's Support Seminar, Thomasville Rd. Baptist Church, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Panelist for "Filled With Peace" Planning Seminar
Mar. 2015 - Guardianship Intensive Program, Tampa, Florida (Co-chair and presenter)
Topic: Intensive, advanced-level guardianship education program for attorneys
Dec. 2015 - Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys - UnProgram, Orlando, FL
Co-presenter with Carolyn Landon, B.C.S.
Topic: Guardianship Case Law Update and the New (Guardianship) Bill
Jan. 2016 - Tallahassee Regional Estate Planning Council, Tallahassee, FL
Co-presenter with Lauchlin Waldoch, B.C.S.
Topic: New remedies to combat exploitation and abuse of the elderly
Feb. 2016 - Alzheimer's Disease Conference, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Older, maybe. . . . better, definitely! How Florida law can help elders and their caregivers have enhanced quality of life.
Mar. 2016 - "Developing Abilities and Restoring Rights" Legal Workshop, Tallahassee, FL
Co-Presenter with Karen Campbell, Steven Hitchcock, B.C.S. and Tina Campanella
May 2016 - "Developing Abilities and Restoring Rights" Legal Workshop, Tampa, FL
Co-Presenter with Karen Campbell, Steven Hitchcock, Honorable Kristin Glen, and Tina Campanella
Aug. 2016 - National Association of Social Worker's - Florida Chapter (Big Bend Unit), Tallahassee, FL
Co-Presenter with Monique Richardson, Esq; Val Frentz, LCSW, and Jim Akins, LCSW
Topic: Understanding and Using Legal Documents in the Healthcare Setting
Nov. 2016 - Florida State University College of Law - Elder Law Course, Tallahassee, FL
Co-Presenter with Twyla Sketchley, B.C.S.
Topic: Elder Law from the Trenches
Nov. 2016 - Elder Care Services training to Senior Volunteers
Smith-Williams Senior Center, Tallahassee, FL
Co-Presenter with Mary Wakeman, B.C.S.
Topic: Elder Law Basics
Dec. 2016 - Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys - UnProgram
Topic: Least restrictive alternatives to incapacity and guardianship - a continuum
Feb. 2017 - Florida Bar Elder Law Section (teleconference mentoring training)
Topic: Least Restrictive Alternatives to Incapacity and Guardianship
Feb. 2017 - FALLA (Florida Association of LGBT Lawyers and Allies), Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Elder Law and Estate Planning Basics
April 2017 - Senior Center Life Skills women's group at Jake Gaither Center, Tallahassee, FL
Co-Presenter with Mary Wakeman, B.C.S.
Topic: Advance Directives, Powers of Attorney, Long-term care Medicaid, and Guardianship basics
Aug. 2017 - Senior Center Life Skills women's group at Jake Gaither Center, Tallahassee, FL
Topic: Estate planning and probate
Oct. 2017 - Down Syndrome Association of Tallahassee (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Estate Planning and Guardianship for the benefit of disabled adults (with attorney Mary Wakeman of Heuler-Wakeman Law Group)
Dec. 2017 - Jacksonville Bar Association Elder Law Committee (Jacksonville, FL)
Topic: Guardianships, guardianship practice pointers, and recent legislation affecting guardianships
Jan. 2018 - Raymond James/Brett Thompson Financial Group (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Durable Powers of Attorney and agent duties and responsibilities, and Special Needs Trust for persons with qualifying disabilities (with attorney Mary Wakeman of the Heuler-Wakeman Law Group)
Apr. 2018 - Your Life Senior Living Residence (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Advance Directives, Powers of Attorney and Incapacity Issues
June 2018 - Family Café (Orlando, FL)
Topic: "When Less is More: Using More Planning With Less Restrictive Alternatives to Avoid court, Save Money and Preserve Independence"
Aug. 2018 - Tallahassee Senior Center (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Protecting Yourself From Elder Fraud and Abuse
Jan. 2019 - Tallahassee Senior Center (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Durable Powers of Attorney and agent responsibilities
Feb. 2019 - 34th Annual Alzheimer's Disease Education and Training Conference (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Legal Issues for Caregivers (co-presented with attorney Max Solomon of the Heuler-Wakeman Law Group, P.L.)
Feb. 2019 - Westminster Oaks Senior Community (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Lifetime and end of life planning, durable powers of attorney, and planning for the care of pets (co-presented with attorney Max Solomon of the Heuler-Wakeman Law Group, P.L.)
June 2019 - Jake Gaither Community Center for Senior Center's Fit for Life series (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Advance Directives, Durable Powers of Attorney, Guardianship and Wills
Aug. 2019 - Community elder services panel member, Allegro Senior Living (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Elder Law issues for awareness and action
Oct. 2019 - Tallahassee Regional Estate Planning Council (Tallahassee, FL)
Topic: Florida Guardianship, Trends and Legislation
Bar Admissions
- Florida, 1993
- Georgia, 2000
Specialties And Certifications
- Board Certified Elder Law Specialist, Florida Bar, 2007
- Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee, Florida
- J.D. - 1993
- Honors: Moot Court Team: Past President
- Honors: Winner of Duke University Rabbi Seymour Siegel Ethics Moot Court Competition
- Florida State University
- B.A. - 1986
- Honors: With Honors
- Major: Psychology
Published Works
- Just the Facts, Ma'am, Not the Label: Mental Disorder Diagnoses in a Guardianship, NAELA News, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2006
Past Positions
- Heuler Law Firm, Founder/owner, 10/2012 to 10/2013
- McConnaughhay, Duffy, Coonrod, Pope & Weaver, P.A., 2006 to 2012
- Heuler Law Firm, 2003 to 2006
- Waldoch & Associates, P.A., 2002 to 2003
- Heath, Rasky & Heuler, P.A., Shareholder, 2000 to 2002
- Granger, Santry, Mitchell & Heath, P.A., Associate Attorney, 1994 to 2000
- Leon County Public Defender's Office, Associate Attorney, 1993 to 1994
Professional Associations
- Advocacy/Litigation Special Interest Group, Chair, 2002 to 2004
- Advocacy/Litigation Special Interest Group, Member, 2004 to 2007
- Amicus Committee, Chair , 2006 to 2010
- Amicus Committee, Vice Chair, 2005 to 2006
- Public Relations Committee, 2006 to 2009
- Public Policy Liaison with Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys, 2004 to 2006
- Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys, President, 2008
- Board of Directors, 2003 to 2010
- Area Representative Coordinator, 2004 to 2006
- Joint Public Policy Task Force, Co-Chair, 2006 to 2008
- Public Policy Liaison with National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, 2004 to 2006
- Alzheimer's Project of Tallahassee
- Florida State Guardianship Association
- Big Bend Chapter of Florida State Guardianship Association
- Elder Law Section of the Florida Bar
- Tallahassee Memorial Health Care Clinical Ethics Committee, member, 2005 to 2010
- Elder Care Services, Inc., Tallahassee, Florida, Board of Directors, 2019
- Florida Bar – Elder Law Section, Substantive Vice Chair 2019-2020; Treasurer 2018-2019; Secretary 2017-2018; Volunteer Mentor; Co-Chair of the Guardianship Committee 2014, 2105, 2016, 2017; Board Certification Committee Chair 2017-2018; Member 2014-2019 (Florida Bar Presidential appointments); Member of the Year 2015
- National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), Advocacy/Litigation Special Interest Group - Chair: 2002-2003; 2003-2004; 2004-2005; Member: 2006-2007; Amicus Committee - Chair 2006-2010; Vice Chair 2005-2006; Litigation Committee - 2012; Public Relations Committee 2006-2009; Public Policy Liaison with Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys 2004-2006
- Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys, (AFELA), President 2008; Board of Directors 2003-2012; Area Representative Coordinator 2004-2006; Joint Public Policy Task Force - Co-Chair: 2006-2008; Public Policy Liaison with National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys 2004-2006
- Alzheimer’s Project, Inc., President 2011 & 2012; President-elect 2008-2010; Board of Directors 2004-2014; Chair - Board Development Committee
- Florida State Guardianship Association, Past liaison to Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys; Current member
- Big Bend Chapter of Florida State Guardianship Association, President 2007-2009; Founding member and Secretary 2002-2003; 2003-2004; 2004-2005; Past Chair - Subcommittee on incapacity process; Founding educator for required 8-hour family guardian course; Current Member
- Tallahassee Memorial Health Care Clinical Ethics Committee, Attorney member 2005-2012
- Tallahassee Women Lawyer’s Association, Volunteer mentor to female law school students